Hello and welcome. I'm so glad you're here. As you've probably noticed by now, most of my blogs are just general ramblings about whatever subject appeals to me at the time. Today's post is different. This one has been a week in the making.
Today's blog is dedicated to three special ladies and four magnificent cats.
Please allow me to explain. In September 2008 Tyler was diagnosed with Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) which is entirely too common among cats and almost always terminal. It was truly heartbreaking news. Although my vet was helpful, I still didn't feel like I understood what was going to happen. I contacted my former vet in Florida who was kind enough to answer all of my medical questions. The weeks passed. In November I started noticing changes in Tyler that I didn't know how to handle. Those of you who know me know I "google" for all sorts of information. I turned to the Internet and found an article called the "emotional roller coaster" - this was definitely what I was feeling. Fortunately that article was posted on a tremendous Web site for
Feline CRF. While there I discovered a guest book which I signed, leaving information about Tyler and his current situation.
Days later I received an email from Barb in Calgary. Barb had recently bid farewell to her darling Forrest. Her kindness, compassion, and understanding were tremendous gifts! Having already traveled this painful path, Barb understood. Whenever I was uncertain about Tyler's appetite (or lack thereof) or his fluids, she answered my questions - sharing my concerns and her own experiences with similar situations.
The day I realized it was time to bid farewell to Tyler, Barb was the first I turned to - knowing she would understand my heartbreak. Now - I must say here that I'm extremely blessed with many good and caring friends. Friends I know would do anything for me. But someone who has actually experienced CRF knows it in a very different way! And so I'm forever grateful to Barb for being there for me.
On Tyler's final day I told him about the Rainbow Bridge and assured him that Forrest would be there to greet him and show around!
Through Barb I came to "meet" Leigh and Sasha both of whom live in New Zealand and who have sadly also had to say goodbye to their dearest friends, Lacy and Uncle Bully, due to CRF. We have decided that our four boys are enjoying the magnificience of the Rainbow Bridge and I have dubbed these four special guys The Musketeers at the Bridge. Barb, Leigh, and Sasha have generously allowed me to share their boys' stories and pictures.
I'd like you to meet Tyler's new friends...
Forrest (January 1993- October 31, 2008)

Barb describes this as Forrest's "Gargoyle photo." She writes:
The photo captures the essence of Forrest, looks like could have a halo and wings, but got "that look" in his eye that says he could go off on one of his mad cat dashes too, where he'd roar around growling and having a great old time.What a handsome boy!
Forrest showed up at Barb's home years ago and I'm sure he knew that they were destined to be family even before he arrived that day! Barb calls him her "gift from God!" Through the months, I feel I've come to know Forrest through Barb's stories. He was obviously a very special and a much loved boy! On January 8, my cats and I celebrated Forrest's birthday with a cupcake (as was his and Barb's tradition). The picture shown of Tyler in my April 7th blog was made at that party! I hope they are enjoying lots of peanutbutter cupcakes now! (Peanutbutter was Tyler's favorite treat; Cupcakes were Forrest's special celebration food!)
Lacy (September 1, 1991 - April 15, 2008)

Leigh titled this photo "Lacy with Attitude" - the plaque beneath his feet in this shot says "Here Lives a Very Fine Cat Indeed." I must agree! Truly a "fine cat!" What beautiful markings.
I haven't had a chance to really get to know Leigh or Lacy so I asked her to tell me a bit about Lacy. She writes: "Lacy was my best mate, through the ups and downs of my life, my furry friend was always there. As a tiny wee kitten with a little pink nose that got tatooed at 5mths so he wouldn't get cancer to the nearly to nearly 17 yrs, I couldn't have loved him more. He loved to jump on the bed when I changed the sheets and also ride down my back with me walking around the house half bent over with him purring away. He had the finest taste in foods enjoying crayfish, chicken, roast lamb and ham on christmas day, later to be nicknamed by Barb as "The King of the Crayfish".
Uncle Bully (November 1992 - April 2, 2009)

I asked Sasha to tell me about Uncle Bully and she wrote:
"Uncle Bully was the man of our family and definately the "old man", he ruled the roost but not in an arrogant or dominant way, he was just a wise old head who had the great knack of finding the sofest warmest beds, he was well known for finding anything black and lying all over it and leaving his cat hair behind infuriating many!... I absolutely adored my mate, he is still my bestest friend. He gave me light and hope and love at times in my life when Ineeded it the most and Ihope he knew how much he was loved, appreciated and is missed." (Oh Sasha, I'm certain he did...your love and appreciation shows so clearly in your words! I'm sure he felt it every minute and feels it still!)
She told me that he was originally named Uncle after the character from the Muppets. It sounds like he earned that by his nurturing. When her other cat had kittens and would leave the box temporarily, Uncle would step in to comfort the distressed kittens! How sweet is that? The "Bully" part was added later and was a reference to a character in a movie in New Zealand but that Uncle Bully was in fact "placid and affectionate and definitely not a bully!"
What a sweetie. I love white cats!
Tyler (February 15, 1994 - April 7, 2009)
This picture of Tyler was made when he was about three months old. As with most kittens, he had two speeds...full and off! He had been playing so hard that he was simply exhausted. I hope that he, Forrest, Lacy, and Uncle Bully are playing just as hard across the Bridge. As Leigh says, "you go, Boys!"
Barb, Leigh, and Sasha - here's to Forrest, Lacy, Uncle Bully, and Tyler! Here's to their return to good health across the bridge! I bet they are having such fun: running, playing, and kicking up their heels, then finding comfy beds, sunny spots and their favorite foods in abundance! We'll see them again!!! Thank you all for your support and sharing! I think of your boys each and every day!
I honestly wouldn't wish the loss of an animal on anyone but I recognize it's an inevitable part of loving such pure creatures! I can only say thank goodness for these incredibly special boys, dear friends, kind people, and cherished memories!
To quote a Kenny Loggins song these guys are "forever in my heart!"