Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Weapons of Mass Destruction

Good Evening from Kitty Comedy Central,

Tonight's broadcast features news of the discovery of weapons of mass destruction in Seymour, Tennessee. These two highly rambuctious kittens Daisy (left) and Dandy (right) have combined forces to create chaos and wreak havoc in the Miller household. Tonight's act of terrorism: a game of tag.

A seemingly harmless chase turned into a large mess when Dandy chased Daisy across the couch at a high rate of speed just as I went to take my glass of soda from the end table into the kitchen. Before I could lift it out of the missile's (aka Daisy) range the soda was sent flying. The liquid went all of the way into the next room and splattered onto my hutch and curio cabinet as well as soaking the carpet, the television remote and the answering machine.

Cleanup efforts were further hampered by the ensuing game of attack the paper-towels and ice-cube hockey.

Never a dull moment, sigh!

Thanks for joining us. Wishing you and your's a quiet, peaceful evening.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Amazing beauty

Hello again,

I'm so excited as I write this that I can hardly stand it...

I was just out on my back deck enjoying the glorious sunset over the pond (yes, we've had sun today - that in itself is enough to bring me great joy). As I was standing there a small bird flew to the edge of the railing and perched about 10 feet from me. At first glance I thought it was a robin because of the rusty breast feathers. But then I noticed the striking blue around the edges of it's wing feathers. I'm not certain but I believe it was a female bluebird! I've seen bluebirds several times this past week! If they are the birds of happiness it seems only fitting that they have appeared in my life now, right? And ironically enough just last week I received a letter from Journey that had a photograph of a magnificient bluebird on the cover.

Since I didn't have my camera handy when my flighty little visitor made her appearance I'll share some of the other shots I captured yesterday and today.

These pictures were taken as I was driving through a neighborhood about a mile from my house. As you can see, there is quite a bit of snow in the Smokies this year.

Pictures from the Porch - Day #3 (no pictures were made yesterday)


Early morning photo - on clear days there is a perfect reflection onto the pond of the houses behind me.


Sunset - a flock of 17 geese enjoyed a sunset dinner cruise. Did goose #17 feel like odd-man-out I wonder?

This graceful couple were dining in my neighbor's backyard!

I pinch myself that I am finally living on my own and in such a state of happiness and amazing beauty.

Thanks for stopping by. I hope your day has been filled with awe-inspiring moments and that you have a wonderful evening.
Whisker moments will return in my next blog...
Lots of Love

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ice Cream Cone scars

Hello & Happy Tuesday.

I was talking to my sister earlier. I'm pleased to report that we've become pretty close again since mom died last year and even more so since I returned to Knoxville. We were discussing funny/embarrassing moments and she told me I should blog about one of them. When I was in elementary school (probably 5th grade) she had taken me to see Fiddler on the Roof. For some reason my mom didn't believe in going to the movies on Sundays but she thought that we were going to see a play and that was okay (I'm sure there is rationale in there somewhere but even today I don't exactly follow int). Anyway, after the movie (gasp) Karen took me to Baskin Robbins. We both ordered Strawberry Shortcake ice cream and as I took my first taste the scoop of pink and white ice cream fell from the cone, went skidding across the floor and landed a hair's width from a gentleman's white patten leather loafer. I was mortified and to make matters worse the shine white shoes were worn by Bill Battle who was, at that time, the head football coach for the University of Tennessee! It's been over 30 years since that fleeting moment. But if you ever go out for ice cream with me, please don't laugh when I ask for mine in a cup!

Pictures from the Porch - Day #2
I loved the color of the sky - especially remarkable since it was snowing quite hard when this shot was captured.

I have some very nice neighbors, including a lovely flock of geese. I know that people say geese pollute ponds but I love them. It was a real highlight for me the day I realized there are geese on the pond. I look forward to watching them throughout my time here at my sweet little house.

If the sun ever makes another appearance I'll try to get a sunset photo from the porch.
Who needs catnip when you can have drinking straws? Toby instructs his brothers on the proper way to play with a straw.

I hope you have a relaxing evening. The Olympics have preempted my favorite Tuesday night program (The Biggest Loser) but at least I have American Idol to look forward to tonight.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Time and creativity

Good morning,

Another Monday morning but I suspect it's a different kind of Monday for me than for many of you. While I'm not working it is entirely too easy for the weekends and the weekdays to blur together. Clocks and calendars lose their power when there is no defined beginning or ending to a work week. That's not necessarily a good thing, or a bad just is! I would love to hear about your schedules and if your days are structured by time clocks and anticipation of weekends or vacations :)

A friend recently challenged me to do something creative every day. This is not as easy for me as I would like for it to be. I'm a great starter and eagerly try lots of new crafts seeking the "it" that becomes my exciting new hobby. The thing I've realized though is that in order to live my truth I have to be completely honest with myself. The truth is I don't ENJOY a lot of the things I try. I want to like them, I really do, but many of them leave me frustrated! I've tried all sorts of paper-crafting: collages, rubber-stamping, card-making. I've tried drawing and painting. I've experimented with quilting and sewing. All too quickly I discover that I've spent lots of money to have the tools I need only to end up with the clutter of UFOs (unfinished objects). How about you...have you found your "it" yet? I know that for some it may not be a craft, but may instead be a talent for sports or music or decorating or.....

The only thing that comes close to being my "it" is photography. I do love my camera and finding things that are fun to capture (and sometimes even share!) Trying to figure out how to use this and meet Journey's creative-daily project challenge I've thought about different photography ideas. I once read about a project where people were asked to take pictures of themselves every day for a year. I hate making pictures of myself so I've decided to alter this concept... I'm going to do a shorter version of the project and call it Pictures from the Porch.

Please allow me to explain... my back deck overlooks a lovely large pond. I've noticed recently that the pond seems to change almost daily depending on the weather. I hope you will enjoy seeing the different pictures or at least that you won't become so bored that you refuse to ever visit my blog again...

Picture from the Porch Day #1 - Monday February 15, 2010

It's cold and windy this morning. We had a light dusting of snow overnight but the leaden gray of the sky suggests that there is more to follow. The tree in the foreground of the photo is actually part of my yard. I've been told that in summers past the spring-fed pond sometimes is more of a puddle but since my December 15th arrival the tree has been partially submerged. I wonder how deep the water is here. Many mornings I see geese floating and playing on the pond. I love it!

Another thing I love to find and photograph is statues and sculptures at libraries. This interest too can be laid at Journey's feet. Journey is an amazing letter writer and since she learned of my love of books and libraries during our early pen-pal relationship she has sent me some amazing pictures made from the different libaries she visits during her extensive travels. Although I've always loved libraries, it had never occurred to me to seek them out when traveling. Last week I was at one of the Knox County Public Libraries and noticed this interesting little guy....

Knox County Public Library System - Fountain City Branch.

This little guy looks like he should be holding a book, I wonder if it was past due!

And of course, my favorite photographic hobby, capturing pictures of my fur-babies. Here is Daisy, Dandy's twin. Daisy is so different from his twin (yes, Daisy is a male but was named before we discovered that little detail and it's such a fitting name that I just can't bring myself to change it!) Daisy is much calmer, is very gentle and sweet (he reminds me so much of my Tyler kitty). He doesn't like to be held and prefers ankle time to lap time. His coloring is lighter, more yellow and white (like a daisy) where Dandy (whose official name is Dandelion) is a brighter yellow.

Thanks so much for stopping by. I look forward to hearing about any creative outlets that you find satisfying and/or rewarding.

Have a lovely day.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A beautiful evening with some special ladies

Hi again. I hope everyone is warm and safe and enjoying whatever great things life has brought you today.

I had a wonderful day and a delightful evening spent with three very special ladies. I met each of these ladies when I was a child and even after all these years, they are so easy to be around. We've known each other through bad and good times. Tonight was one of the good times. We had dinner together and are hoping to make it a monthly gathering.

(from l-->r) Karen, me, Debbi, Anita

When I think about it, there is nowhere else I could have moved where I would have had a group of friends already established. Moving back to Tennessee was such a good decision for this time in my life.

Not only do the people around me add joy and beauty, but my surroundings bring me pleasure too. Almost every day there are ducks and/or geese on the pond behind my house. It's been a treat to watch them splash and play as well as experiencing the magnificience of them taking flight.

This picture of Dolly won't win any awards for photography but I couldn't resist sharing it because she positively LOVES sunbathing!

Thanks again for visiting. Lots of wishes that you have joy, love, friendship, and beauty in your life.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

When the Saints Come Marchin' In

A sad night for us Colts fans but I know there's a big party goin' on in New Orleans tonight. If ever a city deserved something to celebrate it's that one! My friend Cindy said she's seen more unity in New Orleans since their playoff victory than she had witnessed in years. So it's hard to be sad that Peyton didn't get another ring.

Congratulations Saints.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

I'm baaaaaaack

A belated Happy 2010...
I've been meaning to blog for months now but it took longer than I expected
to get settled in and to find all of the things I needed - like my camera batteries and
cable connector.
I'm happily moved into my new house and loving being back in Knoxville.
It had been more than 18 years since I lived here and I really anticipated having
a hard time getting used to being back "home." As it turns out...there's no place like home.
Probably even more amazing is that I'm quoting Dorothy, considering how much I hate
the Wizard of Oz, but I digress.
Since returning I've spent quite a bit of time with some of my oldest (as in most long-term) and
dearest friends and have enjoyed reconnecting with others through Facebook. I've set some goals, like finally learning to cook and getting into better shape. I joined a gym last week and am looking into taking some yoga or tai chi classes.
I recently had the opportunity to meet with renowned psychic Bobby Drinnon. That's been something I have wanted to do for years and it was everything I imagined. He encouraged me to pursue my love of photography and to learn as much about the art as possible. If any of you amateur or professional photographers out there that can share tips with me I'd be so grateful!
Here's one shot I took of the 'freezing fog' we had last week. It was so spectacular but I just couldn't get the lighting right!

Another thing I've had fun with is finding furniture for the new house. My super-special friend Karen has helped me with the task. She has impeccable taste. We found this chest/cabinet at Kirklands. It was pretty hysterical seeing us try to manuever it into her truck. Neither of us has reached great vertical proportions and so just climbing up into the truck was a feat into itself. Giggling and laughing has always been a part of my friendship with Karen, not to mention being able to call on her for any number of things! I'm so lucky.

Karen and I also spent an entire day going from furniture store to furniture store, test-driving a bunch of sofas. Once again her understanding of life as a vertically challenged person came in handy. Our litmus test on all of the sofas was whether or not our feet touched the floor while sitting on them.
I fell in love with this picture - it reminds me so much of my favorite place on Earth - Tuscany. My friend David helped with the hanging of pictures. David has always been a height person in my life. When we were in 1st grade he had to lift me up so that I could drink out of the water fountain. He's still my #1 'tall friend'! How in the world would I have managed without my network of friends?

My greatest joys in life are still my kitties. Dandy loves a good snuggle and squirms around until he's comfortable.

Dolly has decided there is nothing better than Kraft Singles cheese and every time I go near the
kitchen she runs to wait at the refrigerator door. If she ever learns to open the door I am in big trouble.
I haven't captured any new photos of Toby or Daisy but will work on that soon.
Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope you are happy, healthy & loving 2010!