Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday's Marvels

Happy Monday to everyone. I hope your week started off with a smile. Today was the start of week two at my new job. I can't tell yet about the work since I'm still in training but the people are very nice.

Journey has encouraged me to find my photographic eye again so I'm trying. Today Mother Nature gifted me with a few marvels that just screamed to be photographically captured. I hope you enjoy them...
The hydrangea next to my front porch is so beautiful. The blue in this picture doesn't do it justice. The blue is really darker, like a morning glory blue. During the winter it was just a bunch of sticks and I thought whatever had grown there was dead. Just goes to show that even ugly sticks can become beautiful flowers, huh? Nature seems purely magical to me tonight.

These two young birds sat on the railing of the deck. Occasionally they would open their mouths very wide and their mother (or father) would fly up and deposit dinner. They were guests on the porch for quite some time. Lovely little babies, yes?

The pond behind the house has mostly dried up, but this Mother Duck has her 10 babies who are still too young to fly. My next-door neighbor has created little ponds from garbage can lids so that Mama and her babies can still enjoy the water.

I'm having problems getting photos to upload tonight so I'll close now but hope to have more pictures on here soon. Thanks so much for stopping by. I wish you magical moments of beauty each and every day.