Hello again! It's a very special day in our house! We're celebrating Lacey and Dolly's one-year anniversary here. Their story proves there are many rewards to even the most random act of kindness... or as my friend Lori-Ann says "no good deed goes unpunished!" Please permit me to share the round-about way a speeding ticket brought great joy to my life:
Last year on June 3rd I had to take a day off to go to court for a speeding ticket! Afterwards, I decided to take some towels to the animal shelter. While there the receptionist made a plea for canned dog food so off I went to the local grocery store (am I a sucker for animals or what????) When I returned there was an older couple there. The woman had a cat wrapped in a towel and another in the carrier. The woman was crying as the man announced to the receptionist that they were there to "surrender" the cats. The woman's 91 year old mom had passed away and the couple couldn't keep the cats due to allergies. Since our shelter is NOT a no-kill facility the girls' "shelf life" would have been about 72 hours. So I convinced the couple to change their plans. Instead of surrendering to the shelter (which would have resulted in tons of paperwork to spring the girls) the couple took the kitties and met me at a local vet clinic. This allowed me to adopt the cats immediately. They stayed at the vet's overnight while being checked out to prevent them from bringing any diseases into our house.
It's been a year now and I honestly cannot imagine life without these two!
Perhaps reflecting on Dolly & Lacey's story put me into the mood to do something worthwhile today so I cleaned out my pantry and donated the food to a local food bank. This afternoon I sat down to watch some taped Oprah episodes and was thrilled to find an episode about volunteering. If you didn't get a chance to see it you can still read the featured stories by going to Oprah.com/heroes.
There were many inspiring stories on the show which aired 5/19. One was of a young girl who is helping "homeless" cats. You can see her website at freekibble.com. By clicking on a give button on the site you can help feed cats and dogs. As you know, I love animals but I also love stories about kids who volunteer. My friend, Janet, has two daughters Sarah and Lauren. I've known Janet and her family for almost 10 years now and even when her girls were very young they always found ways to help those less fortunate! In a time where too many kids are completely self-absorbed it's very impressive to hear about the ways Sarah and Lauren reach out to others! Kudos girls!
One thing I believe with my entire heart and soul is that when we do for others our own lives are enriched.
Many thanks to all who have sent encouragement about the job interviews. I received notice today that I was not selected for one of the positions (luckily it was the one I was least excited about) and found out that for the other one the notification of the second round of interviews will be the middle of next week. I'm still very enthusiastic about that position as I believe it would be a PERFECT fit for me! So please keep those fingers crossed and I'll let you know when I hear more!
I hope you have a wonderful day and that great things come to you!
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