Hi there ~
I'm back from a fantastic weekend getaway with some of my favorite people in the world! I think I mentioned earlier that I was going to Gatlinburg with my lifelong friends/childhood classmates. Our friend Phil suggested the trip after our last reunion. Let me just say that this trip was better than I could ever have imagined! We had such an awesome time! I made some new memories I will cherish forever!!!
From l -> r: Karen, Phil, Vanessa, Me
lots of fun and truly sweet people.
Even though this was only the second time I'd been around Vanessa,
I felt like I had known her forever! We discussed our love of photography (she's very talented) and knitting. She gave me some helpful scrapbooking tips, introduced me to a vegetarian version of biscuits & gravy, and has even tempted me to want to cook!
(The cooking temptation will probably pass quickly LOL)
so I have loads of pictures.
Phil, Danny, David, Karen, and me!
Danny, David, and I have known each other since first grade!
We all agreed that it is so special to have friends we've known all of our lives.
I wish I could find pictures of us when we were little girls - we've been friends since she came to our class in 3rd grade and Miss Draper assigned me to be Karen's "guide"
(we later took a blood oath so I guess we are really "sisters" now LOL)
While we were taking this shot Brent reminded me of how he and David used to lift me up to get a drink from the water fountain when we were in 1st grade!
I love that we all share memories like this!
I'm blessed beyond words to have my friends, old and new
I'm blessed beyond words to have my friends, old and new
and it never ceases to amaze me how easy it is to come together with this group and pick up right where we left off!
I hope your life is filled with people you love and that you are making happy new memories of your own!
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