Unfortunately blogging is one of the things that I intend to do more often but quickly fall into a writer's blog of sorts. My friend, Donna, just created a blog and has posted two interesting articles there (beyondblessedx3.blogspot.com). My friends Mindy (mindymilburn.wordpress.com) and Bonnie (http://bonniegunkel.wordpress.com) have created lovely photoblogs. With all of the of these fantastic blogs my friends are doing inspiration is certainly being tossed my way! If you don't believe me check out their work...
Are there things that you want to do but fail to keep up with? Or things you want to want to do? That's been a really big one in my life. I used to think I wanted to ski, scuba dive, ride a bike, quilt, etc. but when I actually tried them I realized I didn't LIKE them, I just wanted to like them. Does that make sense?
My goal is to create some routines for myself. Experts say to start towards goals by doing one small thing so I am going to start researching really good cameras and save my pennies for one - maybe someday I'll create awe-inspiring pictures like Mindy and Bonnie and so many other talented ladies I know.
I also want to someday do the three-day walk for cancer so I'll take that first step (pardon the pun) but investigating the registration fee and the 2011 schedule.
Even though I don't have any photographs for today's topic, I must share one of my kitties since it wouldn't be cat whiskers without a meow-graph.
Life is short. When you see something you want - grab hold of it (with both paws if necessary)
Ahhh, the lessons I've learned from my "babies."
Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope you are having a wonderful summer, staying cool, and loving life.
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