Sunday, December 12, 2010

Is this REALLY necessary?

Happy Almost-Winter, Dear Friends,

The "almost" part is particularly laughable to me tonight. I was able to leave work at 4:15 today instead of my normal 8pm. About 1/2 way home the roads were a solid sheet of ice. I ended up parking in a grocery-store parking lot, piling on all of the winter clothes I had in my car, locking up and walking about 3 miles home, including two LARGE hills because cars were sliding all over the place.

I'm supposed to be back at work at 8:30 tomorrow morning and I just don't see THAT happening. Especially since I would have to walk those same 3 miles in temps that are supposed to be in the teens, with below-zero windchill factors. It's supposed to snow all night tonight. Uh, no, don't believe THAT walk is going to happen. And even if it did, I'm not sure I could make it back to work b/c the roads between the parking lot and work were BAD tonight and will likely only be worse in the a.m., right?

I promised everyone who knew me that after this past summer of horrible heat I would not fuss about the winter's cold. I regretfully announce that I lied. I don't mind cold but I freakin' HATE me some snow - especially when I have to drive in it.

Must I *REALLY* live in a place where it snows? Or if I must live in a place where it snows, might I at least wish for flat roads and lovely public transportation? Because it's looking like a L-O-N-G winter at this rate. Oh...wait...winter hasn't arrived yet. Sigh!

But I must say, I'm grateful to be home, with my cats, in a warm house (thanks to an emergency repair to my furnace this past week).

I hope you are warm, safe, dry, and happy. And I hope that spring comes FAST.

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