Happy Saturday! Last week I mentioned my "niece" Mandy. I was planning on writing a blog about her but realized I'd made it home without any pictures of the beautiful girl. I've requested that my sister or nephew snap some shots of her to forward along and I'll get to that later. I didn't want you guys to think I'm lost in LaLaLand because I mentioned it and didn't follow up. Of course, if you know me, you'll realize that LaLaLand is a frequent destination of mine anyway! LOL
I hope you are enjoying your weekend - doing things that refresh your mind, body, and spirit! We've had some nice weather this past week, although today is sort of dreary. No complaints though...I hear that some of my friends are getting SNOW so I consider myself very lucky to live where I do! If you live in a winter place...bundle up and enjoy some nice hot beverage!
I was headed to the gym yesterday but realized that what I really wanted was a nice walk outdoors. The fresh air was fantastic and I felt like a new woman afterwards. Having my blog gives me an entirely different perspective so I took a few pictures to share. As I mentioned in an earlier post (the one with the snow pics), our neighborhood has a lovely "bike" path that is great for walking (I seldom see anyone on a bike on the trail). One of the things I like about this route is that I get to see some back yard decorating too.
I'm not really sure what this is going to be, but it seems sort of Zen, don't you think? Maybe sometime when I'm walking the owner will be out and I can inquire about the plans for this design. I find that most of the neighborhood people are quite friendly. A couple of years ago I was walking by one house and complimented a neighbor about his landscaping and was invited to see the Zen retreat he and his wife have created in the back yard! One of these days I'll see if they will let me photograph it. It's lovely!

I hope you are enjoying your weekend - doing things that refresh your mind, body, and spirit! We've had some nice weather this past week, although today is sort of dreary. No complaints though...I hear that some of my friends are getting SNOW so I consider myself very lucky to live where I do! If you live in a winter place...bundle up and enjoy some nice hot beverage!
I was headed to the gym yesterday but realized that what I really wanted was a nice walk outdoors. The fresh air was fantastic and I felt like a new woman afterwards. Having my blog gives me an entirely different perspective so I took a few pictures to share. As I mentioned in an earlier post (the one with the snow pics), our neighborhood has a lovely "bike" path that is great for walking (I seldom see anyone on a bike on the trail). One of the things I like about this route is that I get to see some back yard decorating too.
The squirrels were busy at play yesterday. They were chasing each other around but this one was kind enough to stop and pose for a picture! Don't you wonder what they are thinking?

This beautiful little bird wasn't as cooperative and so the picture of him was much more difficult (and blurrier). He was perched on a tiny branch that was swinging. It made me think of a trapeze artist. Even though the picture is blurry, if anyone can identify this little guy for me I would appreciate it. He clearly has a black cap and is mostly white and gray.
This beautiful little bird wasn't as cooperative and so the picture of him was much more difficult (and blurrier). He was perched on a tiny branch that was swinging. It made me think of a trapeze artist. Even though the picture is blurry, if anyone can identify this little guy for me I would appreciate it. He clearly has a black cap and is mostly white and gray.
Some of my favorite outside shots were made from inside my house...It's impossible to photograph "my" ferrals from outside since they tend to run whenever we step outside the door. They don't run far since they want to be close to the food though!
This cute little guy is "Punkin." He showed up a couple of months ago and is still pretty young, maybe four or five months - if that! We never saw a "mom" for him so I'm not sure if something happened to her and he just found his way to our food dish or what. Whatever the case, he has made friends with the other ferrals and sticks pretty close by.

Fortunately I was on the inside of the door when this shot was made since I'm pretty sure he meant business with those claws!

Or maybe he was just doing a high-5?
"Buttons" and "Tigger" asleep in their 'bachelor's pad' as we call the little barn we put on the back porch for them. Tigger, Buttons, and Punkin are the only cats we ever see in there and we think that's because the 'girls' (Alice and Bandit) don't appreciate the boys' housekeeping skills!

"Bandit" - through a dirty door. It had rained that morning and the little Abba dancers had pawprints all over the outside of the door! (Buttons, Bandit, Tigger, and Alice used to 'dance' at the door every morning so I nammed them ABBA. I guess I should change Tigger's name to something that starts with an A, huh?)

Tigger and Punkin took turns on this chair yesterday, sometimes laying on top and sometimes in the opening between top and bottom. I'm not sure what was up with that but I'm certain they had their reasons!
Believe it or not, I did do something besides take cat pictures last week! I've been busy applying for jobs and hoping something fantastic comes along soon.

In the past few months I've really fallen in love with journaling. Yesterday I found this gorgeous new journal at B&N and used a Christmas present gift card to purchase it. I've promised myself I won't start using it until I've finished my current one though....
Fortunately I was on the inside of the door when this shot was made since I'm pretty sure he meant business with those claws!
Or maybe he was just doing a high-5?
"Bandit" - through a dirty door. It had rained that morning and the little Abba dancers had pawprints all over the outside of the door! (Buttons, Bandit, Tigger, and Alice used to 'dance' at the door every morning so I nammed them ABBA. I guess I should change Tigger's name to something that starts with an A, huh?)
Tigger and Punkin took turns on this chair yesterday, sometimes laying on top and sometimes in the opening between top and bottom. I'm not sure what was up with that but I'm certain they had their reasons!
Believe it or not, I did do something besides take cat pictures last week! I've been busy applying for jobs and hoping something fantastic comes along soon.
In the past few months I've really fallen in love with journaling. Yesterday I found this gorgeous new journal at B&N and used a Christmas present gift card to purchase it. I've promised myself I won't start using it until I've finished my current one though....
I'm looking forward to this next week. Tomorrow I'm having lunch with a friend. One day next week (depends on the weather as to which day), I'm driving to D.C. to see the Cherry Blossoms in bloom! That's a must-see for me. I love visiting our nation's capital and it's even more spectacular in the spring.
Please let me know what fabulous and/or mundane things you're doing! As my friend/mentor/life-coach Jackie Burleson says "even the mundane tasks of daily life are important self-care." Jackie has really done wonderful things for me and for other people I know...check out her Web site if you have a chance (click on her name for the link!)
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!