I'm home from my trip! It's ironic how knowing I wanted to blog about the trip helped me to see things in a different manner! My sister was kind enough to allow me to use her computer but I couldn't figure out how to post pictures! Hey...what can I tell you...I'm still learning the ins and outs of using a digital camera!
But enough of that...back to the trip...considering the circumstances, it was very pleasant. I loved spending time with my friend Bonnie and getting to see her husband, daughter, and pets! After driving through Pennsylvania for many hours (boy, that's a WIDE state!) and getting 'misplaced' thanks to Navigation Lady's warped sense of humor I finally found the hotel. Bless her heart, Bonnie is such a sweetheart, she had set off to find me when I called to say I was lost!
Once we were in the same place it was so much fun! We'd been trying to get together for over a year and was well worth every minute in the car! She and her husband Rob were terrific tour-guides. We went to Newport on the Levee and had a fantastic dinner at Bar Louie. Pear salad with cranberries...YUM! The skyline of Cincy is really pretty. Rob took this picture of Bonnie and me with my camera but I bet the shots he took with his camera were much better...he has one of those fancy cameras that probably require a degree to operate!
While we were out we noticed an unusual passenger in the van ahead of us...
Yes, that IS a real live pony riding in the back of the mini-van. You can't see her but there was a lady riding in the back with him. She didn't seem at all surprised to notice us snapping pictures. I bet that happens alot! Thank goodness the camera was close at hand. No one would have believed me otherwise!
My time with Bonnie was waaaaaaaaay too short and then I headed off to Knoxville. For those of you who don't already know this about me...I'm mountain/curve phobic and I've just got to say that I was unprepared for how hilly/curvy it was between Cincinnati and Knoxville! And good heavens, there weren't many guardrails. But I'm so glad I went!
My friend Journey has inspired me to become more involved in the travel rather than just focusing on the destination. As a result, I've learned to keep my eyes open for interesting stops along the way. So when I saw a sign for the Artisan Craft Center in Berea, Kentucky I decided it would be a great way to stretch my legs, clear my mind and see something different! The welcome center had many interested objects. They even had a cat at the door...Cute, huh?
I definitely want to go back to Berea sometime when I can prowl through all of the shops! After that stop...I finished my drive to Knoxville where my sister and my "niece" Mandy (a lab mix rescue) welcomed me. More about Mandy soon...
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