Here in NJ we got quite a bit of snow last night - probably 6-8 inches in my neighborhood. I always loved snow days when I was a kid and even more when I was a teacher! LOL. Is there anything better than waking up in the morning hearing those two magical words "No School"?
I made this picture early this morning from the upstairs bedroom window. I just love the way the snow frosts the tree limbs!
This is the brick of our chimney. I was standing on our front porch when I noticed the snow was sticking to vertical surfaces too! That's pretty unusual. I guess this was caused by a very wet snow and strong wind gusts!
The wind had blown the snow around so much that spots of the lawn were uncovered! There were some interesting snow drifts!
Our house...our little tree was starting to bud. Does anyone know if it will be harmed by the snow on its new buds?
The neighborhood kids love this hill and another one that goes off to the left. This one ends on the street and they were just zipping right across! Kids are so fearless! I was very tempted to ask them to let me have a turn - it's been a long time since I went s
The top of the sledding hill...sledders are to the right of the picture. You can see the street they cross!
This is the view from the top of the hill looking back down at where the other picture was made.
This flat area at the top of the hill makes a wonderful meditation spot in the early morning on warm days!
At this point in my stroll the batteries on my camera were "empty" - which is a good thing because I was just about to make a snow angel! Without a picture to document it I decided I would wait until I was NOT wearing my wool coat!
I hope you're enjoying your weather, whatever it may be! Now, I'm going to cuddle with the cats and relax knowing that my trip to Tennessee has been postponed until next week due to our SNOW DAY!
Today's "whisker moment" is Lacey soon after she came to live with us. I hope to someday get a picture of her standing. She looks like she's wearing white high-heel boots! She's very dainty!
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