Happy Mother's Day to all of you! Whether your babies are children, adults, or pets, I hope you are having a fantastic day!

I've had such a good week. In addition to seeing Debbie, Lori-Ann, and Courtney on Wednesday night, I was happy to catch up with my friends Sheri and Lisa on Friday night. We've been friends for about seven years now. When we first met Lisa's oldest daughter was in 1st grade. She's 14 now. Amazing how fast time passes, isn't it?
This is my first Mother's Day without my mom. I wasn't sure what to expect but it's not been horrible. My tradition was to call mom 1st thing in the morning to wish her a happy mother's day. So instead I called my sister. Luckily she is like me...an early riser. I think it might be genetic. My grandmother and my mom were both "early birds" - up early every day even if they didn't have anywhere to be! I've been like that for years and love it!
I wanted to enjoy the beautiful weather so I went for another walk! I bet you guys wonder if I ever leave my neighborhood since so many of my blogs focus on what's going on right here in our subdivision. I promise I do and someday soon I'll take my camera with me to prove it! For now, I hope you'll join me as I wander around the area.
These two trees are at the top of the hill in an open area. I guess they have grown crooked from the wind? I like to think they are dancing!
I've walked the trail through our neighborhood hundreds of times but today I noticed this path off the trail. It leads to a clearing. Looking at it I had a flashback to the neighborhood where I grew up. We had lots of woods around us. I found one tree where the branches had grown down to form an enclosure of sorts. My friend Karen and I would go hang out in there. We called it our "hut!" I guess that's the closest I ever got to having a tree house!
We've had A LOT of rain this past week so I was delighted to take a picture of the fabulous blue skies!
When the rain finally stopped on Friday I was so excited to see my shadow. Today I was still happy to see my shadow! Hmmm...I wonder if this is how the groundhog feels on February 2nd???
The birds were enjoying the sun too!
This pile of grass clippings seems really out of place along the walking trail. There's no grassy areas to be mowed really close by. There appeared to be an opening. I wonder if it's a burrow of some sort. Any ideas what animal might have made it?
One of the things I enjoy about "exploring" the neighborhood is to see the lawns. It fascinates me to see the ways people decorate their yards...
But as cheerful as the pinwheel is the prettiest colors are the flowers and shrubs
I believe the pink is a rhodedendron
and the white is an azalea.
Both are beautiful aren't they?
So now I'm back at home where my "babies" always give me something to smile about :)
I recently saw a journal prompt that I like. Complete this phrase in as many ways as you can... "Why do...?"
One of my immediate thoughts: "why do cats always want to sit or stand between the keyboard and monitor?"
I hope you're having lots of sunshine wherever you are!
P.S. - I'm having a tough time with formatting today so if things are not lined up properly that's why! Blame the computer gremlins LOL