I'm feeling a bit introspective today. Funny how it all started...
I can see this slide from my front door. The inky blueness of it makes me think of blue finger paints. Have you ever noticed you can almost TASTE the blue of finger paints? Maybe it's just me.
I really can't tell you why this shade of blue took me on a memory trip. But for whatever reason, it did. When I was young (probably 3rd grade or so) a community park near our house had summer "camp" (parents dropped off their kids and we spent the day playing outside). This was the closest I ever got to going to summer camp. One day I was on a really high slide and almost fell but someone caught me. As I was replaying this in my mind I realized that in times past I would have called my mom and asked her how old I was and who it was that caught me. Even though I'm lucky to still have my sister and aunts that remember my youth, none of them would have this information. It makes me a bit sad to think that such trivial information is no longer available to me. Maybe it's silly, but it's the little things like that which make me really miss mom the most!
Yesterday I talked to my friend, Janet. We met on our first day as "non-traditional" students at a community college in Florida. Thank goodness Janet approached me because I was feeling really nervous and quite out-of-place there with all of the 18 year olds. We quickly became friends. Yesterday Janet and I were talking about meditation. She pointed out that there are many ways to meditate and that my walks with my camera may be one of my forms! I think that's very insightful of her and right-on-target. When I have my camera in hand I am more present and in-the-moment than at most other times.
Since I was feeling a bit out of synch over the slide, I decided to go for a walk. Here are some of the things I discovered...
I think this is such a sweet lawn decoration.
I took this picture just because I thought the bench was beautiful. I do wonder what my neighbors think if they look outside and see someone aiming a camera at their house :)
The tennis courts are right off my favorite walking path and yet I've never stepped foot on them before. Perhaps because I don't play tennis? Although today, sitting on a bench after the rain, it was such a tranquil place I could see myself going there just to be still and quiet.
Evidence of a brief rainshower this morning lingers! The leaves of this tree are really more of a burgandy than they appear in this picture.
But they appear orange from the underside. Journey sent me a gorgeous magazine called Life Images (by Stampington). In it there was a picture of a sunflower from behind. It made me think about how often I miss beauty by just looking at things from one angle! Or how I usually only take walks on beautifully sunshine-y days!

My friend, Janet titled this picture of her daughter and cat "Picture of Lazy." I think it's absolutely adorable! Don't they look happy to be together? Thanks for letting me use it!
Like the title says...my thoughts are meandering today. If you have someone you have loved and lost (as most of us do), have you found triggers like this one? What activities do you find anchor you in the moment? I'm so grateful for my camera, my walks, my blog and all of you! Thanks for taking time to stop by! Have a lovely day.
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