Last night I met three friends for dinner. I met these ladies while I was working in a school last year (and the year before). Although the job ended, luckily the friendships did not! We've tried to get together monthly but life sometimes gets in the way. Ironically, I've recently realized that all too often I get together with friends and leave the camera at home. So last night I took the camera with me but almost forgot to use it. I'm so glad I remembered it in time to get a shot of the four of us! (From left to right...Debbie, Lori-Ann, me, Courtney.)

~and look, I've finally learned how to insert text onto pictures! WooHoo!
I'm looking forward to getting lots more pictures with friends now that I've made a mental note to take the camera along!

Toby hopes that I'll stop taking so many pictures of him if I'm using my camera to shoot other things! Fat chance!
For those of you who are moms, I hope you have a wonderful Mother's day...filled with all of the things you love!
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