I've never been to Alaska but recently Barb's friend Patrick shared some pictures from there (sent to him from a co-worker). I don't know the co-worker's name yet, but I hope to get it so that I can give him/her proper credit. I asked permission & luckily the author of these photos has agreed we can share his/her trip - these pictures are so fantastic I'm living vicariously here! The author's titles were so clever I put them in quotes.
Barb and I were wondering what brand of bear this is.
Any ideas? Kodiak or Grizzly or...? Whatever it is - I love this family photograph.
Mama bear giving her cub some expert advice
I've heard the mosquitoes are terrible in Alaska - do mosquitoes bite bears?
Talk about a David & Goliath meeting - LOL
Bears have a terrific sense of smell so I bet it's hard to sneak up on a bear.
I would love to know how far away the photographer was and what the zoom was on the camera when these bear photos were taken.
I guess someone felt like having a bit of seafood - or maybe he just wanted to play in the water?
Uh oh, I don't think this is what the fish had in mind when the wolf invited him to lunch. I know it's all part of the food chain but I still feel bad for the fish. Nevertheless, the picture is spectacular!
I'm not sure who has the most patience for this one - the bear catching his lunch or the photographer catching the pictures. Either way, I think it was worth the wait...

Back in the old days when cameras used film, photographers said you sometimes had to shoot an entire roll to get one good picture. Although I don't know for sure, I am assuming the photographer is usaing a digital. I would like to know how many shots she/he had to take to get this one. I love it!
Ahhh - I feel like I've been on vacation. And like all good vacations, it left me wanting more! I hope you guys loved the pictures as much as I did. Thanks bunches to the photographer - I felt like I was right there! (Thanks too to Barb & Patrick for getting these pictures to me!)
On to dream of my next vacation....
Maybe she's dreaming of a fun vacation. Or maybe wishing she were the bear or the wolf catching the fish!!!
Any other guesses what she might be dreaming?
Whatever you're doing - I hope you are able to stay cool. Do you have any clever ways of staying cool or are you like me and just hunker down in an air-conditioned house until the heat passes?
Thanks for stopping by to visit!
These pictures are wonderful! I would love to visit Alaska someday.