Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Where has the time gone?

Hi again...I hope you're having a lovely day. I was so surprised to see that it has been almost a week since I blogged! Time is just zipping right by - before we know it summer will be over and my favorite season will be with us. I love autumn but summer can be lovely too.

Yesterday Mavis and I went to Peddler's Village, which is a beautiful shopping village located in Pennsylvania but only about an hour from home. We love going there because they have different types of stores than what you might find in the mall AND it's really beautiful. I forgot my camera but luckily my new iphone has a built-in camera that takes pretty good pictures. Here's a glimpse of what we saw:

The building at the top of the picture has a bookstore and some other cool shops. There's also a restaurant to the left of the building that has yummy onion rings and a to-die-for Blueberries and Cream bread pudding. The restaurant is where we have gone for Thanksgiving buffet for the past three years.

This picture was made in the same spot but looking in a different direction. The shops in the village surround a greens area - much like a village in New England would. It's gorgeous, and quaint!

This one of two or three waterfalls built on a stream that runs through the village. While it's really pretty in the summer it's really gorgeous in the spring.

This trip was particularly special because on Thursday Mavis is going in to have a full knee replacement surgery so she won't be able to go play for a while. Hopefully she'll be back on her feet soon. Please send lots of healing thoughts and prayers her way.

Speaking of prayers...many people's prayers were answered today. Did you see in the news where the two journalists were pardoned and released in Korea? It brought tears to my eyes to think of them safely reunited with their families. It's so nice to hear good news for a change. Although, I must say that I've noticed a shift in network news reporting lately. I've avoided watching the network news for years because it's always seemed so sensationalized but NBC's Brian Williams always ends with an upbeat & uplifting story. Kudos to the powers-that-be for recognizing the need for GOOD NEWS!

Today's "whisker moment" was taken while I composed this blog. Toby has been my shadow today (as he is most days) so he decided to keep me company while I was writing. Hopefully you have found my writing at least slightly more interesting than he has....

So what good news has come your way lately?

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