Thursday, November 25, 2010

Life is too short

Hi again,

I hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving. The best thing I can say about mine is that it's OVER. Please remind me to NEVER volunteer to work a holiday again. It's just not worth it.

Here's a realization I came to today (or came back to today) is too freakin' short to worry about stupid things, to be unkind to others, or to have to watch a clock every single minute.

Clocking in and out and marked off if I'm more than 60 seconds late returning from break is INSANE. When I say 60 seconds I mean because at my job they measure the SECONDS!!! Calls too have to be measured in minutes and seconds. And yet, if a call comes in at 1 minute before our scheduled departure time we are obligated to stay on the line for however long it takes to satisfy the customer. So clearly our time only counts when it's THEIR time. LOL

My days are measured in seconds, my seconds are spent staring at a computer with a phone attached to my ear. All of this just drains me sometimes. What are your energy drains? When I sign off tonight, I'm turning off my computer, turning off my phone (and possibly unplugging my clocks) until time to return to work on Saturday.

This will be my gift to my spirit - a chance to recharge my batteries. How do YOU recharge your batteries?

Be blessed my dear friends.


  1. Yoga does it for me. I wish I could gift you with a different job. I really do not like that someone so smart, funny, educated, and kind is working in that environment. :( People need to be NICE!

  2. Thanks Lorin. You've always been an inspiration and your words lift my spirits. Yes, I may have to take another look at yoga. It's been a while since I practiced.
