Another day with no real pictures to post (I *promise* I will get them back in here soon, Old Same).
It has now been more than THREE weeks since I gave up my cable (and therefore, my television). I haven't missed it since the first day. But last night I dreamed that I hit the remote and was stunned to see a decent picture appear. Anyone want to analyze why I'm dreaming about TELEVISION? Who knows....
I had lunch with a friend yesterday. We've known each other for more than 20 years now. When we first met we were instant-best friends. Life got in the way and we lost touch for a few years. Even though I've been back in Knoxville for almost a year, it was the first time we'd seen each other since my return. Lunch was so fun and so easy. It was like we'd never been apart. How does that happen and since I know it does...why have I let a year pass without spending time with my friend? Who knows...
Why is it that something that doesn't bother you during the day seems so overwhelming when you're trying to sleep? Who knows...
Just pondering all of life's questions...what are some of the 'who knows' questions that circle around in your head? C' know you have them (LOL). I'd love to hear them.
Now for my big question of the day...what's for breakfast? Off to find out. Have a wonderful day.
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