Today was interesting for me. As I mentioned in my Andiamo blog I am earning some extra money by delivering phone books this week. Today I wasn't really excited about it. It was cold and I was feeling a bit unmotivated. I have about a million to deliver (okay 1100 but you get my point). I finally convinced myself to just do it.
About 30 minutes into the delivery process I realized that one of my favorite pasttimes is to drive around looking for photo opportunities so why not just tell myself THAT was what I was doing and that I would just drop off some phone books while I was out and about anyway. Because y'all KNOW I had my camera with me. I was finding a few things to photograph.
But I was also finding some interesting people to chat with. Sometimes just a friendly homeowner thanking me for the delivery, or a welcoming smile. In one neighborhood I ended up in conversation with a lady for probably close to an hour. We chatted about animals and any number of other things - including the power of positive thinking and the health benefits to be gained from making good choices. I ran into my friend Beverly (who is married to my old classmate Brent) and got to meet her two daughters and her granddaughter.
For me the day was a lesson. I could grumble about it being cold and whine about not really wanting to do this. Or I could enjoy whatever encounters came my way. It was MUCH more enjoyable when I chose the latter rather than the former.
And as a reward I arrived home to find a delightful letter from my friend Journey and a beautiful group of online photos posted by members of my photography group. One of the guys in the group took a trip to a northern beach recently and the pictures were so magnificent!
So what moments of grace have appeared in your day? And what little (or large) treasures have you discovered? I hope they have been plentiful and that you will have more tomorrow.
And in honor of the "cat whiskers" part of the title... today I am sharing a picture of a special kitty. "Spankey" is a donor kitty at Toby's vet's office. Isn't he beautiful?
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