Hello again,
I don't know if you grew up in a place where snow days were a common occurrence but I did. If you had snow days, what did you like to do on that bonus time? I remember being in the sixth grade and having several consecutive snow days. I always liked it when they announced cancellations early in the evening before so that I knew I had been granted an extension on my homework. Hmmm, perhaps I had procrastination tendencies even when I was a kid? Do you procrastinate or are you one of those enviable people who just gets things done without delaying? I've heard of people like that. I've even thought I might like to become one. But it's not me. Not now, anyway. Maybe someday?
Yesterday when the snow was falling in pre-packaged snowman size flakes (put 3 snowflakes together; add carrot, coal, and top-hat and you've got your snowman) my first thought was 'oh good, I have all day tomorrow to get stuff done around here so tonight I can play.' I read, I worked on some crafty-type stuff, and basically just turned off the shoulds in my head and did what I wanted to do.
This morning I put together my must-do list for the day and well....ooops... it's long. Longer than it should be. Perhaps this procrastination stuff doesn't work as well as I've tried to convince myself it does. LOL
I know why I procrastinate. It's stuff I don't really want to do. And some of it is repeating tasks like laundry or balancing the checkbook. Not like I can do it once, check it off, and never have to do it again. I definitely don't have a procrastination problem when it comes to doing something enjoyable like eating chocolate or reading a book. Have any of you ever heard me say "oh, I don't want to eat that candy (cookie, cake, pie) now...I will eat it later"? Nope, I didn't think so. Unfortunately knowing the why of my procrastination problem doesn't really solve it.
What I need to know is how to shake this lifelong bad habit. Any suggestions?
Wherever you are, whatever your to-do list holds, I hope you have a day that brings you the happiness of a kid on a snow day!
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