Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday moments...Pen to paper

Hello again. Thank you so much for being here. It means a lot to me that you take the time to read my posts. As I sit down to write I imagine you...somewhere...reading this. I wonder if you're having a good day, if the sun is shining where you are, if you're happy, busy, tired, bored...

Sometimes I think about all of the people from the past who wrote. I especially think of women who wrote... like Louisa May Alcott. I think not only about authors but about every-day people who wrote letters or kept journals.

My sister loves "period costumes" so I made this cross-stitch picture for her as a Christmas gift. I really enjoyed working on the project because this lovely lady reminds me of the writers and penpals I've known in my life.

Do you write letters? Keep journals? Do you have a place where you like to write? Do you still use pen and paper or is it all electronic now? I adore getting mail. I also cherish comments left here. So please, feel free to write me. I don't care how it gets here...I just love hearing from you.

Thanks again for stopping by.


  1. I love writing and receiving letters, too, but I only have one real person who still writes to me and she's gotten pretty busy. I type really fast but I love to write with pen and paper. Most of the time I write on my bed.

  2. I can see you sitting on your bed writing, Jenessa, with Noah up next to you. Does he ever steal your pens? Dandy would take every pen in this house as his own.
