Saturday, February 12, 2011

At My Library

Happy Saturday! I hope your weekend is going well so far.
I needed a book from the library and the branch near me is closed on weekends. Instead I had to go to the main branch. It's not that far and it certainly is no hardship to be there. In fact, it's one of THOSE libraries that is so inviting it makes you just want to stay.

You all know how much I love the Arts & Craftsman/Mission aesthetics. So no one will be surprised that I'm lovin' this library.

The Annette Ogle Great Room. I agree: it IS a great room.

The fireplace and the comfy chairs make it seem even more welcoming.

The perimeter of the Great Room is lined with these arm chairs with built-in tables (like on airplane seats).

Beautiful ceilings too.

And you KNOW I'm not going into a library without checking out the children's department. This library has put a lot of effort into the details to make it user-friendly for the "littles" it serves.

My favorite element in the children's department (other than the books, of course) is this Mommy & Me chair. The librarian said the chair is designed so the parent and the child can face one aother while reading together.

I love libraries. But you knew that already, didn't you? How is the library near you? Is it user friendly or cold and sterile? Does it make you want to stay or is it a place where you just go, get what you need, and get out (sort of like me at the mall)? I'd love to see pictures of the library near you. But be sure and ask if it's okay...I know some places won't allow photographs. I was told it was perfectly okay to take pictures here. Yay!

And on a Cat Whisker note...

I accidentally disturbed Daisy's nap. I guess he was still sleepy. So after you looked at this picture, did you yawn? I did. I don't know if it's because even pictures of yawns or not, I hope the blog hasn't made you yawn.

Thanks again for stopping by.

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