Tuesday, December 28, 2010
As the New Year rapidly approaches my excitement builds. You see, I've allowed 2010 to get me down. Yes, allowed. Because although I couldn't control some of the things that happened in my life, I had the choice as to how to respond. And I'm not proud of some of those choices I made.
And now I'm ready to reclaim my power. To rediscover my spirit. To fly. To soar. No excuses. Now to some of you (and maybe even to me) this may sound like the whole 'new year's resolutions' routine. For me the difference is in the INTENTION. I plan to take one day at a time but I have a plan.
This year I am embarking on a journey of creativity. I've committed (to a friend and to myself) to a 365 project. It's actually a two-fold project. Each day I will do one creative pursuit - there may be a theme some weeks or it may just be whatever moves me on a given day. AND I'm starting a 365 photo project.
One of my friends commented that for her it would be a burden and that she has to focus on her job search. I completely understand that this might not be something that appeals to everyone. Heck, my friend Journey has encouraged me to do this for years before the time actually seemed right for me. Heaven knows that I too must place my job search in a priority position.
BUT that is exactly why I'm undertaking this creativity project NOW. Because my decision to do so is an affirmation of ABUNDANCE. I could say 'oh, I don't have time.' But I do. I have 24 hours in my day, just like everyone else. By MAKING time to do something creative every day I am acknowledging the abundance of time to do this and to do my job search (and eventually my JOB). I could use the lack of funds as an excuse. But I believe that what I need will be available and the ability to create within the bounds of my financial limitations will be a good exercise for other financial decisions.
I feel that this creativity project will give me a break from the 'shoulds' that chase me when I am hunting for a job. It will give me a window of time that I come out of my fear of joblessness and focus on that which I can control.
I do feel like taking on this project will give me a sense of being in control of some part of my life. Because anyone who has ever spent any time doing a job search knows that the ultimate "you're hired" announcement can only be decided by someone outside ourselves. I can do my best but I can't MAKE someone hire me. This project will put me in charge of an aspect of my life. What do you do to feel in control when life tosses things into your path?
What are YOUR plans for 2011? I'd love to hear all about them.
Looking forward to a rewarding and abundant New Year. And wishing all of you the same.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Susan's Parting Gifts
As you know - 2010 has been a crummy year. Sadness. Loss. Etc. By now everyone has surely heard me say how difficult it was to lose my sweet friend, Susan. Susan *LOVED* to give gifts. She was one of the most generous people I've ever known. She was also extremely creative.
And even in her illness, Susan managed to give me two last gifts. The first: she asked her daughter to have me contact a group of her friends...her "sister friends" with news of her illness. Because these ladies were so special to her they were on her mind even as she was facing the news of a terminal illness. And in her request that I notify them, she opened the door for me to get to know these lovely friends of her's. They have been lifesavers to me...we've joined together in our grief and in our fond memories of our shining Susan. And from that we've also found other common interests. I can see why Susan loved these gals so much. They are kind, generous, supportive, and encouraging. I feel very fortunate to have found their light in a time of such darkness.
The second parting gift: a reminder that life is so short and that I want to live in a way that when my life is over I'll be able to say "that was a good life."
So as 2011 approaches I'm excited about what the future holds in store. I know it's not going to be a perfect year. None are. But my plan is to make every day as special as I possibly can.
Thanks, Susan, for these gifts.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Once upon a time...
Have you ever had a time in your life when you keep getting glimpses of the you you used to be? That might be a good thing. Or it might not. I guess it depends on what era of your life you recall and if you were happy with the you you were at the time.
The last few weeks I've been getting little reminders. They pop up in conversations or come in messages. It all started a few weeks ago when my buddy Mark posted something on my FB page about the happy & crazy girl I used to be. Huh? Who? Me. Oh, well, he knew me when I was 19 and dating his younger brother. So yeah, I guess that description fit. I kind of liked that glimpse of my past.
Then I went to Asheville. While I was waiting in the airport for Mavis to arrive I wandered around the magazine shop. The travel magazines caught my attention. Hey. I used to love reading those travel magazines and dreaming of the trips.
Yesterday in a conversation with my aunt I mentioned moving to Florida. I wanted a job with the FDIC there. I really wanted a particular job. A lot. I called the office and was told there were two positions doing that job. Both were filled by people who loved their jobs and weren't expected to leave. I kept checking back. Often. After a few months I got a phone call - they had allocated a 3rd position in that department. I was invited to interview. I got the job. I LOVED that job. It was my favorite job EVER. But I also love that once upon a time I was gutsy (insane??) enough to move to a place where I knew no one, with no job only a dream of a certain job. And I was persistent. And I got the job.
I found a notebook that I used to keep. It had a list in it of things I wanted to have and to do. It was written in the early 90s. The notebook had long been put away but at some point in the decade and a half since I've accomplished almost everything on that list.
For many years I was a person who sent birthday cards and wrote letters and thank you notes. I kept in touch with people. I've fallen out of those habits.
So...2011 is only 11 days away. Nothing says 'new year' like becoming the person I used to be.
If you read this (and I hope you will) please email me your address, your birth date and your other special dates. I don't know where I'll be living but between reading travel magazines, working my dream job (whatever THAT turns out to be) and being the happy crazy person my friend Mark would recognize - I'll write you a letter. Or send you a birthday card.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Tryin' to get the feelin'
Here it is...only DAYS from Christmas. And still, no sign of that Christmas spirit. It's not for lack of trying. Believe me.
I've done some wonderfully festive things this year. Grove Park Inn to see the entries in the National Gingerbread House competition. Here are two of my favorites
Not your typical gingerbread house by any stretch. I loved seeing the entries. Next year I would like to go back earlier in the season. The competition is held in mid-November and from what we were told, many of the entries are removed before Thanksgiving.
I'd also like to TRY my hand at a Gingerbread House next year. My friend Mavis decorates one every year with her family. Sounds like a fun tradition. Does your family have any holiday traditions?
But still...no Christmas spirit.
Then to Biltmore House for the Candlelight tour. It was stunning. They didn't allow photographs inside and b/c I didn't have a tripod my outdoor pictures weren't that good. The Biltmore House hosted 52 Christmas Trees this year. One of the attendants said that only one was a live tree. It was HUGE. It was decorated with full-size packages. I thought the swags were actually prettier than the trees. Another feature that I enjoyed was they had couples dressed in formal-wear doing the waltz and other period dances. That was lovely.
But still...no Christmas spirit.
Yesterday my sister and I went to see White Christmas at the Tennessee Theater. What a fantastic venue. Again no photography was allowed inside. Bah! It was my first time seeing White Christmas (yes, first time EVER). I loved the costumes. And the dance routines. And Bing Crosby's voice. I thought if anything would get me in the holiday spirit it would be hearing him sing because his Christmas album was always a holiday favorite in my parent's house.
But nope...still no Christmas spirit.
I've been reading lots of holiday-themed books: two by Richard Paul Evans (The Christmas List and Finding Noel), Comfort and Joy by Kristin Hannah, and Silver Bells by Luanne Rice.
The cd player in my car has been loaded with Amy Grant and Vanessa William's Christmas cds.
All of this and STILL no Christmas Spirit. So you know what? I think I've been looking for that excitement that I had about Christmas when I was a kid. That breathless magical feeling. Maybe it's a feeling you only get when you are a kid or when you have kids? I don't know. But as Barry Manilow says - "I've been up, down. Tryin' to get the feelin' again."
I may not have gotten the Christmas spirit but I've done some fun and festive things. So I guess it's all good.
I hope YOU are feeling the magic of the season.
Happy Holidays, friends.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
I think I loved you before I met you...
Thank you so much for stopping by to visit. It makes me happy that you are here.
Several years ago a group called Savage Garden recorded a song "I think I loved you before I met you." It's one of those songs that there are probably a lot more people who like it than who actually ADMIT to liking it. But I've never shied away from admitting my pedestrian taste (I have long acknowledged my love of Barry Manilow and YES, I still have and listen to Donny Osmond cds LOL). But that's not what I'm really writing about tonight. My seemingly-questionable taste in music may surface again sometime but for now...
Do you believe in love at first sight? Isn't that what the title would indicate? Now, I know love-at-first sight usually conjures up the romantic type love between a man/woman (or for same-sex couples a woman/woman or man/man). And yes, I do believe that romantic love-at-first sight exists (for both gay and straight couples).
More interestingly (to me - because I'm not in a place where romantic love is particularly on my radar) I experienced love-at-first-sight last week. It was a building. For several years now I have been enamored of the Arts & Craftsman period architecture. So when Mavis, Jackie, and I went to the Grove Park Inn in Asheville to see Gingerbread Houses I discovered a bonus. The Grove Park Inn is the most incredible example of Arts & Craftsman design I've ever seen (in person or in pictures).
If this building were a person, I would want to spend my life with it. I love the clean, straight lines of the detailing. I love the furnishings. I love the beamed ceilings. The windows. The doors. All of it. I was so awed that I didn't even get any pictures of the interior.
I've felt this 'loved you before I met you' about cities (Charleston, SC) and regions (Tuscany). I have experienced it with friends who I knew an instantaneous connection with. I have even had glimpses of it with romantic partners (no need for names here since obviously they didn't last LOL). But I had NEVER felt it for a building before.
Have you? What aesthetic style moves you? And why?
Oh, and just so you know...it doesn't really even surprise me. I discovered that I love architecture and beautiful woodworking when I was in middle school. I remember having to do a research paper in 8th grade and I did mine on architecture. I had a brief period where I thought that would be my career, until I discovered the amount of math required.
I think that this Grove Park Inn experience was to remind me of dreams. I used to dream of traveling to lovely locations. I had forgotten, until recently, how much I used to enjoy reading travel magazines. I haven't done any real traveling in ages now. I also have dreamed of someday getting a craftsman style home and refurbishing it.
What dreams do you have? Any that you've put aside? What should we do to rekindle those dreams? To move towards them? Or is it enough to HAVE the dreams without needing to actively pursue them?
Whatever your dreams - I hope you someday live them.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
A return to gratitude
It's been quite the day. After 6 months of hating my job progressively more each day, I walked out today. With no other job lined up and limited resources in the bank, I quit. As I was gathering my stuff my head was yelling 'hey, HEY, what are you doing???' but my heart was singing Halleluah Chorus.
And you know what I'm feeling tonight? A tiny twinge of fear that accompanies uncertainty but mostly the HUGEST sense of gratitude. Because as several people have commented, I've taken a leap of faith and opened my life up to allow good things to come in.
For over a year I kept a gratitude journal. Even when my mom and Tyler died, I was able to find things for which to be grateful. I kept it while my marriage officially ended. I kept it while I was struggling to find a job and a place to live in Knoxville. But after a month on my last job I was unable to write FIVE things every day for which to express my gratitude.
Losing Susan has reminded me that life is short. Life is precious. Entirely TOO short and too precious to surrender my gratitude. So. Tonight I turn my face forward - towards good things.
Including a return to my gratitude.
Thank you so much for stopping by. I am grateful you did. I hope your life is filled with a sense of gratitude. Tis the season.
Be Blessed, Dear Friends. I know I am.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Is this REALLY necessary?
The "almost" part is particularly laughable to me tonight. I was able to leave work at 4:15 today instead of my normal 8pm. About 1/2 way home the roads were a solid sheet of ice. I ended up parking in a grocery-store parking lot, piling on all of the winter clothes I had in my car, locking up and walking about 3 miles home, including two LARGE hills because cars were sliding all over the place.
I'm supposed to be back at work at 8:30 tomorrow morning and I just don't see THAT happening. Especially since I would have to walk those same 3 miles in temps that are supposed to be in the teens, with below-zero windchill factors. It's supposed to snow all night tonight. Uh, no, don't believe THAT walk is going to happen. And even if it did, I'm not sure I could make it back to work b/c the roads between the parking lot and work were BAD tonight and will likely only be worse in the a.m., right?
I promised everyone who knew me that after this past summer of horrible heat I would not fuss about the winter's cold. I regretfully announce that I lied. I don't mind cold but I freakin' HATE me some snow - especially when I have to drive in it.
Must I *REALLY* live in a place where it snows? Or if I must live in a place where it snows, might I at least wish for flat roads and lovely public transportation? Because it's looking like a L-O-N-G winter at this rate. Oh...wait...winter hasn't arrived yet. Sigh!
But I must say, I'm grateful to be home, with my cats, in a warm house (thanks to an emergency repair to my furnace this past week).
I hope you are warm, safe, dry, and happy. And I hope that spring comes FAST.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
A reminder
Reading of Elizabeth Edwards' death today made me sad. For her family, for those who knew and loved her and for those she inspired.
But her death also reminded me... life is short. We've all heard the sayings about it's not how many breaths you take that count but how many things take your breath away.
I'm sick and tired of being in this funk that I've fallen into. It's time to start living out loud again. Not just watching it go by and planning to be happy when....
It's time to be happy NOW.
Stay tuned....
Sunday, November 28, 2010
What I'd REALLY like to know about you...
I'm so happy you've stopped by again. It's an honor to me to think of you taking time from your day to visit my blog.
As you've probably figured out by now, my blogs are mostly about whatever is on my mind at the moment I sit down at my computer. And this morning, as I sit in my fuzzy pink pjs with an orange tabby drapped across my right arm, I'm wondering about YOU.
Anyone with an email address has undoubtedly received at least one email that asks you to answer questions about yourself and forward to everyone you've ever known. The questions range from what you're wearing (which is why I mentioned my pjs, in case you were wondering) to what you ate last, what your middle name is, etc. But the truth is - does ANYONE really care about those things? I love my friends - I truly do - but these questions don't help me to know the person or what matters to them or how they think or feel.
So today I'm going to ask things that I DO want to know about you.
I was reading Inner Excavation (by Liz Lameroux) yesterday. In one section the author talked about our daily routines that sustain and nurture our spirits. It could be taking a walk in nature or yoga or prayer or...so...
1) Do you have daily routines designed to nurture your spirit? If so, would you share them with me? And how did you create your routines? Was it pre-planned or did they just sort of happen?
As most of you know by now I hate my job. Truly detest it. I don't like being yelled at by dissatisfied customers. It drains me. I hate the time spent in a cubicle, having every minute monitored. The pay stinks and the hours stink more. But what I HATE most about my job is that I don't feel like what I'm doing matters. It doesn't, in any way, make the world a better place. Not even for a minute. I try to at least contribute something by being nice to the callers, in hopes that a pleasant voice will at least make a moment of their time less stressful. But what I really want is to have a job where each day I've contributed something meaningful. And perhaps made someone's life better.
2) Do you feel like your job matters? If so, how? If not, why not?
I know one of you (and most of you will know who I am talking about) has a career where on a regular basis she touches the lives of students. I am sure there are days (or perhaps semesters) where she grows weary of having freshmen (or sophmores or seniors) gaze dully because they are only their for the required credits. But I also know - first hand - that this particular instructor has the ability to really IMPACT lives. To instill a passion for a subject or for learning in general. On the days where the meetings are tedious and the hours are long, I hope you remember that people like me are FOREVER grateful for the experience of being in your classs.
I realize that there are many ways to contribute to the greater good that don't involve the hours served at work. So...question #3
3) What do you do in your life (outside of work) that allows you the satisfaction of knowing you've contributed something? How did you become involved?
In the book I just finished Saving CeeCee Honeycut the main character was a 12 year-old girl whose mother was mentally unstable and who died, leaving the child confused and angry. I loved the book for many reasons but one of them was that the story was really about the power of women to make a difference. One of the primary characters was CeeCee's great-aunt Tootie who adopted her. Tootie encouraged CeeCee to find her 'fire' - her passion for something that would give her life purpose & meaning.
Now, I know my Mom loved me. Alot. But I don't recall her ever suggesting that finding one's passion was important. Maybe she didn't have one either. So, I'm turning to you, dear readers, and asking
4) How on earth do you find your passion? Your purpose? (I know this is a repeat of question #3, but as the title above suggests I'm asking questions that I REALLY want to know. :)
5) Did you have women (or men) around you who encouraged you to live out loud? Who were they? Did they teach by example or merely by words?
In my undergrad & graduate classes these were called 'essential questions.' I guess that's because they require more than general yes/no answer.
Maybe you'll read the blog today and be bored silly. But maybe not. And maybe you'll take the time to comment with your answers. Or maybe not. But these are the things I'd REALLY like to know about you.
And if you want to share your middle name, what you're wearing and what you had for breakfast this morning too, I'm fine with that.
You've gifted me with your company today. I'm grateful.
Hope you have a lovely day, full of moments that matter and memories that keep.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Batteries charged
Yesterday I took the day to recharge my batteries. I decided that meant absolutely, positively no "shoulds" for me. Aren't 'shoulds' just the worst energy drains? Instead I focused all of my energies on doing things that nurture me.
Ironically that list included going to the grocery store and buying foods that are good for me! Fruit & veggies and some Quorn chickenless cutlets (if you've not tried them, I highly recommend). Cleaned my kitchen to make it user-friendly and actually prepared a meal last night. Do you know I had truly forgotten how to turn on my oven? Yes, dear ones, it had been THAT long! LOL Luckily the computerized screen told me to 'push start to turn on.'
I even baked a Sara Lee Sweet Potato pie. I love sweet potato pie - much better than pumpkin. The Sara Lee version tastes good and was easy to make.
I also sat around and read a lot. I finished Saving CeeCee Honeycut and then read Kristen Hannah's Comfort and Joy. Both were very enjoyable. Escapism at its finest.
A quick trip in the afternoon to Wally-world for a cozy blanket for my bed and a fresh new pair of fuzzy houseslippers was surprisingly easy. Their big sales ended at 11 and all of the crazies had migrated on to the next sale. No waiting in line! I'm just gonna say that I'd rather pay a wee bit more for what I need than to risk life & limb for the possible ridiculous bargain. If you were out in the Black Friday rush, I hope you got some incredible deals and survived uninjured.
My sister, Karen, called and invited me to come help her decorate her tree. I'm not a fan of tree-decorating so I declined. Karen & I frequently use the response from friends where Phoebe said "I wish I could but I don't want to." I love that line - no silly excuses, just straight-out there honesty. Why is it that we often feel the necessity to wrap our truths in flimsy excuses? I mean, I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings but I have discovered that it works better for me to just say 'no thank you' to an invitation that doesn't appeal to me. If there really IS a reason I can't (or decide not to) do something, I will give it. But if it's just something I don't WANT to do, why make up something? In my opinion, no thank you seems much more honest. But I digress...
Fun time playing with my kitties and a couple of luxurious naps rounded out the day.
At the moment my batteries feel fully charged and I'm ready to face another day at work. What wonderful plans do you have for the weekend?
I hope that whatever you are doing, it brings you joy. And I hope that in these early days of the 'season of giving' you remember to give yourself some quiet time to relax & unwind.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Life is too short
I hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving. The best thing I can say about mine is that it's OVER. Please remind me to NEVER volunteer to work a holiday again. It's just not worth it.
Here's a realization I came to today (or came back to today)...life is too freakin' short to worry about stupid things, to be unkind to others, or to have to watch a clock every single minute.
Clocking in and out and marked off if I'm more than 60 seconds late returning from break is INSANE. When I say 60 seconds I mean because at my job they measure the SECONDS!!! Calls too have to be measured in minutes and seconds. And yet, if a call comes in at 1 minute before our scheduled departure time we are obligated to stay on the line for however long it takes to satisfy the customer. So clearly our time only counts when it's THEIR time. LOL
My days are measured in seconds, my seconds are spent staring at a computer with a phone attached to my ear. All of this just drains me sometimes. What are your energy drains? When I sign off tonight, I'm turning off my computer, turning off my phone (and possibly unplugging my clocks) until time to return to work on Saturday.
This will be my gift to my spirit - a chance to recharge my batteries. How do YOU recharge your batteries?
Be blessed my dear friends.
Happy Thanksgiving: Christmas CAN wait...
I hope that today you will have plenty of food and the company of loved ones with whom to share it.
I hope that you will enjoy some moments of peace even in the possibly hectic preparations of said food and loved ones.
And I hope you will be thinking about Thanksgiving, not about Christmas.
Forgive me for a bit of a rant here but can someone please tell me WHY Christmas has moved from the winter holiday celebrated in December to the retail madness that begins with decorations appearing in the stores while halloween costumes are still being selected by their little wearers?
And while you're at it - please advise WHY our society has become an immediate gratification, gotta have it NOW culture. Case in point...I'm working today so that we can support the merchants who are open on Thanksgiving. Don't get me wrong, I'm GRATEFUL for the overtime and don't mind working on holidays b/c I don't really have anywhere else to be - no large family waiting for me to put a bird on the table.
BUT (and isn't there always one?) it makes me nuts that businesses ARE open on Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. Tell me again why it is necessary for Walmart to be open on Thanksgiving instead of giving their employees the day of to be with family & to prepare for the madness that begins at 12:01 a.m. in their stores tomorrow?
I was talking about this at work recently. Recalling how not so long ago businesses were closed on holidays. When I was young (and even AFTER the dark ages ended) nothing was open on Thanksgiving. Not even gas stations. Or restaurants. There were no convenience stores open 24/7. Drugstores either. If you knew you were going to need something, you purchased it in advance - when the stores were open. If you didn't - you survived until the stores WERE open.
People planned ahead for their needs or they waited.
Anyone with a calendar, or a friend with a calendar, can check ahead and see that Thanksgiving falls on the 4th Thursday of November. Every year! Christmas is ALWAYS on December 25th. We know this. I can see no reason, other than greed, that grocery stores and 'box stores' (like Walmart) have to be open on Thanksgiving (or even 24-hours a day but I'll save THAT rant for another time).
Christmas shopping CAN wait until tomorrow folks. Heck, for that matter, the Christmas season CAN wait.
Enjoy your Thanksgiving. Tomorrow is soon enough for Christmas.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
A reflection
I've heard it said that the home is a reflection of the residents' spirit(s). This saying must be true. My house is a mess.
As a teen I always had the messiest room. Typical. Then when I was married (first time) my housekeeping habits improved. After my divorce it went down hill. Until I got a roommate. Then during the 2nd marriage I generally did a fairly decent job of keeping the house looking somewhat decent. Randy was much more into it than I was so I admit he did the lion's share.
When I moved here I started out keeping the house feeling homey and welcoming. Even it if it was just ME that was here, at least I felt welcomed. Lately though I can't seem to keep that up. It just seems like too much trouble.
This is NOT something I'm proud of. I've signed up for Flylady again. If you don't know Flylady check her out... Flylady.Net. The free site includes daily reminders about home maintenance tasks, menu planning, etc.
So far the reminders just sit, unread, in my email box until I go through and delete them.
What suggestions do you have, my friends, for developing habits that support the life you wish to live? I want a warm, friendly, cozy home and spirit.
I hope you are preparing to enjoy a holiday season of beauty, surrounded by love, light, laughter.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
In the eyes of the beholder
What can I say....it's a start.
Now I am turning my camera back in the direction I love the most...my kitties...
So why then am I (are we all) so very critical of our own flaws? Human nature, I guess. As I said above - I'm still planning to make some changes to improve my own appearance (just to make me more comfortable in social situations) but one of the biggest challenges may just have to be to accept that which I cannot change - I'm not 20 anymore folks!
Thanks so much for taking the time to visit. I am happy you are here.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Lost and found...
The past two years have brought me a series of losses that takes my breath away. And yet, somehow, this morning I'm seeing something else. So bear with me or ignore the post or whatever feels right to YOU. This one is for me. If you like it, I'm grateful. If you comment, I appreciate it. But, in the end, if it gives me clarity then I've found what it was I seek.
*It started with the loss of a job
*I found I didn't really like many aspects of the job. I loved my littles. I loved some of my coworkers. I didn't love having to give kindergarten kids a grade on how well they colored. Or deal with parents who thought their little angels should be exempt from all expectations. Or bosses who were more worried about a library looking nice than serving the needs of the students.
*I lost my Tyler. I loved that little guy. He had been with me for 15 years. Good years. Bad years. He was gentle. He was sweet. He was beautiful.
*Through his loss I found my friend Barb. Barb is gentle, sweet, beautiful.
*I lost my mom. She was my family. My cheerleader.
*Through this loss I found a connection with my sister that had seemingly died years ago. I found a way to forgive her and her me for the choices we had made in the past.
*I lost some feral cats in my care. The first loss led me to dallying around the shelter on the day I dropped of the towels.
*Those extra minutes put me in the lobby to find Dolly.
*Another feral lost - Gigi - brought my determination to bring in her sibblings.
*Through her loss I found my courage to adopt Daisy and Dandy.
*I lost my credit.
*I found my ability to be resourceful.
*Recently I lost my Dolly to cancer.
*I found a vet who is kind and caring and will help me take good care of my Toby, Daisy, and Dandy.
*Most recently I lost my special friend Susan. I'm still reeling from this loss.
*So far I've found that she bequeathed me a group of friends who loved her.
*I've found that laughter is something I must have.
*I've found that life holds no guarantees so I'd better use it up.
If given the chance I'd gladly reclaim all of the things and people lost but want to also keep the things & people I've found. So I will hold the memories of those lost close, cherish the gifts they have left behind.
And then -
Sunday, November 21, 2010
As some of you may already know - I have TWO favorite words...
one is Serendipity - which is defined (on Dictionary.com) as being "an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident."
the other is Andiamo - which is Italian for 'let's go'
I love Italy, especially the Tuscany region. Whenever I think of Tuscany I always think 'Andiamo' because I really want to go back there.
This is going somewhere...I promise. Tonight I was prowling around on the Internet and decided to research the word Serendipity. I don't know why. I just did. I found that the word was coined by Horace Walpole and its first known use was in a letter to the Duchess of Tuscany. Okay, so I thought it was a pretty cool tie-in.
I've been thinking about Serendipity a lot lately. By the mere definition one cannot SEEK serendipity. I can immediately name FOUR outstanding examples of serendipity in my own life...
1) Once upon a time I had a fight with my ex (that would be Ex #1 for those of you who know me well enough to wonder). That fight led me to having no plans one Sunday. So I went to lunch with some friends. Where I met my friend Donna. Who became a fantastic, life-long friend.
2) I was supposed to go to a workshop but couldn't get the details arranged. So I ended up going to another workshop instead. Where I met my Old Same, Journey.
3) I got a speeding ticket. Which caused me to go to traffic court. Which required me taking the day off. Which gave me the time to go to the animal shelter to drop off some towels. Which led me to being there when my Darling Dolly was being surrendered.
4) I really wanted to go to a concert. None of my friends were attending. It was far away. Another girl, Beth, wanted to go but couldn't drive. I offered to pick her up. She cancelled. Which led me to be flying into Los Angeles and driving HOURS to a concert. Which meant I had to drive through mountains (which terrify me). Which led me to contact a total stranger to arrange a carpool. Which introduced me to my friend Susan. Who became a good friend.
None of these things happened when I was sitting at home (and two of them happened in far-away states). So see why I love Andiamo? Because when I go I encounter Serendipity.
That's not coincidence. It's serendipity; it's grace.
What has serendipity brought into YOUR life? And what are YOUR favorite words? Why? I hope you'll share them with me...they might become favorites of mine too.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Who knows...
It has now been more than THREE weeks since I gave up my cable (and therefore, my television). I haven't missed it since the first day. But last night I dreamed that I hit the remote and was stunned to see a decent picture appear. Anyone want to analyze why I'm dreaming about TELEVISION? Who knows....
I had lunch with a friend yesterday. We've known each other for more than 20 years now. When we first met we were instant-best friends. Life got in the way and we lost touch for a few years. Even though I've been back in Knoxville for almost a year, it was the first time we'd seen each other since my return. Lunch was so fun and so easy. It was like we'd never been apart. How does that happen and since I know it does...why have I let a year pass without spending time with my friend? Who knows...
Why is it that something that doesn't bother you during the day seems so overwhelming when you're trying to sleep? Who knows...
Just pondering all of life's questions...what are some of the 'who knows' questions that circle around in your head? C'mon....you know you have them (LOL). I'd love to hear them.
Now for my big question of the day...what's for breakfast? Off to find out. Have a wonderful day.
Monday, November 15, 2010
For the Love of Susan (recycled post from 5/5/2009)

After the road trip to Oroville we returned to LA and then left the next day for a concert somewhere near Phoenix! It was on this leg of the journey that we discovered we both share a somewhat warped, twisted, sick sense of humor and were playing practical jokes on each other almost immediately. Silly things like Susan doing the "gaslight treatment" on me with her nifty steering-wheel controlled audio system. Or me moving her car while at a rest-stop. As her daughter says "good times!"
Sure, some people get their pictures made with a cactus or something when in Arizona but why not a scrap-metal horse

Thanks so much for stopping by to visit! I hope you are blessed with great friends! I'd love to hear about them!
Friday, October 29, 2010
In my little town...
In all honesty, I am not sure what this building is used for. It wasn't here when I lived in Knoxville before. I've heard that it's where they hold federal court. And just like my friend Bonnie, I love towers. I think I took pictures of this one from every possible angle and was trying to figure out how to get on some rooftops to capture more.
Rooftops of garages are a good spot for getting skyline views and that is where this photo came from.
You know you're in a sports-loving town when they put basketballs on the roofs. This is the Basketball Hall of Fame. I guess you have to love basketball to want to go there. I don't.
This window is so much prettier than the picture shows - I just couldn't get a good angle. I was in a courtyard of the church. There's a courtyard labyrinth there that is open to the public. Have you visited a labyrinth? If not, please find one near you (labyrinthlocator.com) and go - walking a labyrinth is so peaceful.
I love the colors of fall in East Tennessee. Being a city of hills makes photography fun too. These trees are in a parking lot.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Don't adjust your screen...
Yesterday I had my cable turned off. The reason was, of course, to save money. Last night I felt so lost - I had said goodbye to my Dolly and didn't have the distraction of mindless television. Which brought to mind the questions...how & when did I become so dependent on television? I used to be an avid reader but lately I've been sitting there soaking in brain-draining programming instead of reading.
My original plan was to purchase some kind of antenna or box to allow me to get local channels but have decided to see if I can do without television for at least 30 days. If I can, I may not get the antenna. If I can't, I may have to find a 12-step program.
This will be an opportunity to see how I can better use my time. People lived for centuries without 24/7 television. Surely I can too. I figure I will use this blog to not only ramble about the stuff I've rambled about since the beginning but also to track my progress on this challenge.
Stay tuned for the results.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
RIP Dolly 10-27-2010
RIP Dolly 10-27-2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
The things you'll see....
A few weeks ago I had a Saturday off and really didn't know what I wanted to do with my time. I considered going to a festival but figured that would end up with me bringing more "stuff" into the house because I frequently get caught in the moment and think I want the crafts being sold there. When I get home I always wondered why I spent the money for more stuff to sit around my house. But I digress...
Do you ever take a road just to see where it leads? If you do you might find...
The Bush Bean Museum and Family Cafe - Chestnut Hill, Tennessee
(Don't scoff - it was actually quite an interesting stop along the way)
I took a tour of the museum created about the Bush Bean family's start in canning and learned about different bean recipes. You can even get your picture made with Duke (he's not really there but they photoshop him into your photo). Now, I admit that my wee crush on Sugarland's, Christian Bush, might have something to do with the interest I had in the museum. Turns out he wasn't there either. The nice gentleman at the museum explained that Christian's branch of the family had a "fallin' out" with the bean side so Christian's not involved. Sigh.
You can also have lunch at the Family Cafe next door and try the Pinto Bean Pecan pie. Let me know how it is - I didn't have the nerve to try it, though I might have if Christian had been there.
An old-time soda fountain at Tinsdale-Bible Pharmacy in Dandridge, Tennessee.
I found out that Dandridge is the 2nd oldest town in Tennessee. I guess I should try to find out what the oldest is but I was really more interested in knowing why the soda fountain was closed on weekends.
A beautiful flower that was enjoying the gorgeous day.
I was thinking of my friend Bonnie when I took this picture. I know she loves flowers and thought I would snap this. I didn't alter or edit it except to crop out the background. The glow was all its own. I guess it appreciates the sun in a way we humans just don't get.
A porch decoration that made use of three strong autumn elements...
What's more seasonal than a pumpkin, mums, and a black cat? Throw in some autumn leaves and it would have been perfect.
Beautiful scenery
or even...
Live entertainment & the truest form of Southern Hospitality ever...
On my way to Dandridge, driving down this little curvy road, I noticed a sign Pizza Sampling & Live Music from 12-2 on Saturday.
There was a woman standing outside the RV, singing. With no one around. I thought to myself, 'now here's a woman who really LOVES to sing.' I decided if she was still out there singing when I went back, I'd stop and listen. Anyone who loves to sing that much certainly sparks my interest. I mean, I love to sing but I'm so bad at it that I won't even roll down the windows in my car if I'm singing. This lady has a karoke machine and is standing outside the RV singing. Just because.... So on my way back, I pulled into the driveway at Scrappy's. I was trying to turn around and find a place to park where my car would be out of the way when a lady came out of the building behind Scrappy's. I thought maybe she was going to ask where I was going or something. Nope.
She asked me if I wanted pizza. I thanked her but declined. She said 'it's FREE.' Well, now, how can you turn down free pizza? So I asked if she had any cheese pizza. She offered to check. Came back out and informed me that she had put it in the oven and it would take 7 minutes. I went into Scrappy's to get a soda and she introduced herself as Ann. Introduced me to the store-keeper. And the other people sitting there listening to the singer (there was an audience of five by that time). They were all quite friendly and Ann thanked me for stopping. We had a nice, albeit brief, discussion about the singer (whose name I've forgotten) and how she sings in Pigeon Forge.
When I was telling my sister about this encounter, she said 'that's Americana.' My friend Mavis stated it sounded like Mayberry - in a good way. It was both. But let me just say that it was a VERY charming encounter. This group of people was welcoming and friendly. The pizza wasn't the best, nor was the music. But when it comes to hospitality, Ann & Scrappy's really knocked it out of the park.
So...if you find yourself with a day to spare where you have time to go exploring, try it. You just never know what you might find. And if you have a wonderful day like mine, let me know. Better yet, call me before you leave. I might want to go with you :)
Friday, October 22, 2010

I hope that whatever you are doing, you are finding time for things you love & doing things that make you happy - in other words, live like you were a cat :)
(Dandy is the KING of enjoying life and finding ways to make each day fun)
I especially hope that you are making memories you want to keep forever!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
As different as day and night...
Here are a few of the images I captured.
I hope you enjoyed looking at the pictures. I certainly enjoyed taking them.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
I see you and you and you and....
Tonight as I stood looking at the moon I imagined her (the moon surely must be a goddess, yes?) saying... I can see Elizabeth, I can see Barb, I can see Journey, I can see Bonnie, I can see Mindy, I can see Lorin, I can see.... and naming all of the people I know who are probably looking up at the Goddess Moon and admiring her beauty.
It's a very unifying feeling. I hope wherever you are tonight, the Goddess is smiling down on you and that you can feel all of the people around you sharing that same "ahhhhh" moment as they gaze upwards!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
"Crossing the Miles" (as the Greeting Cards say)
and I wish for you
a year
My manager, Cory, staffed the table full of sweets to celebrate Journey's birthday! (It was one of the bake sales raising money for The American Heart Association).
Even so, I'm really glad I did it!
And besides...even little party animals crash sometimes!
Happy Birthday before heading off to bed!
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you've enjoyed the Journey celebration.
And a very Happy Birthday to you - Old Same.
How many of us have traveled to far-away places and brought home a trinket to remind us of the trip? I know I always do that.
But several years ago I took a trip to attend a Simple Abundance workshop in Sedona, AZ. The Red Rocks of the area are spectacular and the energy of the vortex is powerful. I wanted to remember the trip always so I purchased some jewelry pieces and a few other things. What I couldn't have known at the time was that I also came home with a friendship that would be one of my greatest ever. Today I celebrate that friend, Journey's, birthday.
Journey, thank you for the inspiration, support, encouragement and kindness you offer to everyone around you. I'm grateful to know you, Old Same.
Please check back later for more....
Saturday, September 11, 2010
If you are interested in yoga, meditation, vegan eating, animals or just life in general...you will surely enjoy Lorin's blog.
I'll be back with pictures and ramblings tomorrow.

Saturday, August 21, 2010
Wabi Sabi
Anyone who has read my blog more than once will have knowledge of my darling friend, Journey. She has taught me so many things and is constantly bringing new concepts into my life. Journey loves Wabi Sabi and I'm only beginning to learn about this fascinating Japanese art of finding beauty in imperfection. Thank you, Old Same, for this awareness!
I was at my sister's one day and snapped a few pictures of her hydrangea bush because the color was so vastly different from mine. It was only when I got home and downloaded the pictures that I realized there was a large spider perched on the bloom. I realized then that I might not have thought it so gorgeous if I'd realized at the time that a spider (which I hate) was in the picture. It really gave me pause for thought! How many times had I passed up beauty because what I noticed was the object's imperfection?
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Lessons in patience
a full-arc rainbow. It was so beautiful that I pulled over and sat in my car to admire it. It occurred to me that if I had left at my usual time I would probably have gone into Walmart instead of Walgreens and I might have missed the rainbow entirely. As I watched it, time and hurrying to get home were completely dismissed. There's something magical about a rainbow, isn't there?
The next morning I went through a drive-through to grab breakfast. The line was long and I sat for several minutes without moving. That morning I felt only compassion for the person working the window. I could imagine how frustrated he or she must be and thought of the cranky customers he/she might be encountering (see there is a good thing about my job - I'm learning an entirely different kind of compassion). After I placed my order and waited to pull around I observed that the shrub by the curb was either being invaded by a foreign weed or had alot of new growth on it...
whichever the case...the contrast struck me as particularly pretty. Again, being forced to wait gave me a chance to observe nature's artwork!
These lessons serve to remind me to be more patient and more observant. They also teach me to be more like a cat... my cats can sit and stare at something for hours without feeling the need to rush on to their next task...
this morning the twins sat at the back door for ages watching the birds.
I hope you are finding moments that make you stop and enjoy your surroundings, beauty that takes your breath away, and lots of great people to share it all with. Thank you for stopping by to visit.