Saturday, February 28, 2009

Oh Happy Day

My focus recently has been on maintaining a positive attitude! I figure that no matter what life tosses our way it's up to us as to how we handle it! Many years ago there was a commercial on the stations in Orlando (maybe it was a national ad, I don't know). I think it was an ad for Aetna health care but I'm not certain. Anyway it featured this elderly lady. She said (in her little old lady voice) "every morning when I wake up I can choose to be happy or unhappy. I choose to be happy!" Why choose anything else?

With that goal in mind, I've been trying to surround myself with positive images (or as my mentor Jackie says "high frequency vibrations"). Every morning I listen to songs that make me feel good and I dance. I read material to reinforce my mindset. Right now I'm reading a couple of books...


In Creating your best life Miller recommends watching either "The Bucket List" (Jack Nicholson, Morgan Freedman) or "The Last Holiday" (Queen Latifah). I saw The Bucket List at the theatre so today I went to the library and borrowed "The Last Holiday." If you haven't seen it, I would highly recommend watching it. It's a feel-good movie with a message. Don't you love those? My frequency vibrations are definitely elevated after watching that movie!

(pictures of books and dvds from

Do you have a "bucket list" or a life list? I've started mine. Two of the things on it so far are:
1) to do the 3-day cancer walk (60 miles!)
2) to learn to make a souffle
I'll let you know some of the other things as I discover them. I'd love to hear about your's.
Today is the 3rd day my complaint-free bracelet has remained in place! WooHoo! I'm enjoying the process of retraining my brain. I've started thinking about things before I say them and it feels really good.

Dolly loves my desk chair. Sometimes she will come sit on my desk as if she wants to be petted, when in reality she's waiting for me to get up! She's a very confident miss! I'm fairly sure she has more personality than any other female cat I've ever known!
Wherever you are and whatever you're doing...I hope that today will be filled with moments you love. Celebrate your life!

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