Monday, February 23, 2009

Reaching for higher ground

Have you ever had a day when you are going along just fine and then without warning or turn signals, you go from being in a happy place to being in a bad mood? I'm sure we all have those days...even without PMS or menopause sneaking into the situation. The question is what to do about it...ride it out or fight it? Wallow in it or reach for higher ground? Today I faced such a dilemma and boy was it tough!

Last year I read a book called A Complaint Free World: How to stop complaining and start enjoying the life you always wanted by Will Bowen ( If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it. The author points out that we often don't even realize how much we complain because we get into the habit. He provided his congregation with purple bracelets (like the yellow Live Strong ones) and instructed them to switch the bracelet from wrist to wrist each time they caught themselves complaining. He challenged them to go 21 days without switching the bracelet because studies show that it takes 21 days to create a new habit. I have a bracelet and I'm going to start wearing it because I believe that my thoughts create my reality. Complaining breeds negativity which then contaminates my world and the world around me. I've decided I want to surround myself with positivity instead.

It gets tricky because we have ways of blanketing our complaints, using words like "challenging." I find myself using that one A LOT! The thing I want to remind myself is that phrasing a complaint in glowing terms doesn't change the fact that it's a complaint! If I say I'm "challenged" by something that represents a GOOD challenge (like setting myself a goal to go 21 days without complaining! :) then it's not a complaint. If, however, I say that dealing with telemarketers is a challenge, the "challenge" has become a code word for "pain in the butt!" I hear myself using this term frequently because it sounds so much more "upbeat"! So how about if instead, I just quit talking about dealing with telemarketers. Does talking about them really make them go away? just gives them more of my time and energy than they've already taken!'s my goal...I'm going to make Tuesday, February 24, 2009 Day 1 of my Complaint Free "challenge." Anyone care to join me in this uplifting venture?

Speaking of uplifting...

A very special friend sent me this lovely "dancer." My friend, Journey, is one of the most inspirational women I've ever known. It's no surprise then that she would discover this ornament that hangs above my meditation area!

Today's "whiskers" moment: Lacey is a bit camera-shy. It's almost impossible to get a picture of her face. She's more of a behind-the-scenes kitty who is always glad to lend a helping paw for typing assignments!

Sending you wishes for happy thoughts and complaint-free days!

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